We at BFDI International Training Institute are looking forward to spending an evening of excitement as we celebrate champions in the areas of

Education, Justice, Community & Distinguished Service 


Alice G. Thompson will receive

 Award Honorees

October 13, 2023
6:00 pm

MotorCity Casino Hotel
2901 Grand River Ave.
Detroit, MI 48201

Souvenir Book

BITI 2023 Signature Souvenir Journal

Tonight, we welcome you to BFDI International Training lnstitute's (BITI) Inaugural Signature Fundraiser Dinner & Awards!

We are excited about celebrating our honorees: Reverend Dr. Wendell Anthony, Dr. Daveda Colbert, Jason & Nicole Wilson, Dr. M. Roy Wilson, and Alice G. Thompson. Each of our honorees fully embody our meaningful work in the areas of youth development, restorative communities, restorative justice and peaceful workplaces. Your presence and support is also much appreciated.

Our theme is, "What about the children?" BITI recognizes, "the fate of empires rest upon the education of our children" {Aristotle). We are thankful about how far we have come and the endless possibilities that lay ahead. Be sure to enjoy all that this evening offers!

View the BFDI International Training Institute – Fundraising Dinner & Awards Souvenir Book.


Click below to download the full click sponsorship packet which will provide you with significant detail on investment levels. 

BFDI Fundraiser Sponsorship


 BFDI Fundraiser Souvenir Journal Ads

Sponsorship and Ad deadline is
September 30, 2023

Email ads to MNicholson@BFDITrainingInstitute.org

BFDI Fundraiser Tickets

You can mail check or money order to:

BFDI International Training Institute
6689 Orchard Lake Rd., #264
West Bloomfield, MI 48322 

For questions or more information:

(833) 487-8678 or via email at kallen@bfditraininginstitute.org